music picklists

Occupational Band/Group Names

These are the best known bands/groups whose names contain job titles.

1The Police15JoBoxers
2The Carpenters16The Edwin Hawkins Singers
3Commodores17Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
4The Staple Singers18The Waitresses
5Alice Cooper19Cannibal & The Headhunters
6Stone Temple Pilots20Chairmen of The Board
7Night Ranger21The Serendipity Singers
8Mike + The Mechanics22American Authors
9Judas Priest23The Kentucky Headhunters
10Ohio Players24The Rooftop Singers
11Spin Doctors25X Ambassadors
12Player26The Presidents of the United States of America
13Ozark Mountain Daredevils27The Ray Charles Singers
14Pilot28The Ray Conniff Singers