music picklists

Songs With "Chain" in the Title

These are the most popular songs whose titles contain the word “Chain.”

1Unchained MelodyThe Righteous Brothers1965
2The ChainFleetwood Mac1977
3Chain GangSam Cooke1960
4Unchain My HeartRay Charles1961
5Chain of FoolsAretha Franklin1967
6ChainsThe Beatles1963
7Back on the Chain GangThe Pretenders1982
8Chains of LoveErasure1988
9ChainsThe Cookies1962
10Ball and ChainJanis Joplin1968
11UnchainedVan Halen1981
12ChainedMarvin Gaye1968
13Woman in ChainsTears for Fears1989
14Chain ReactionDiana Ross1985