music picklists

"Give Me" in Song Titles

These are the top songs whose titles contain the words “Give Me” or “Gimme.”

1Gimme ShelterThe Rolling Stones1969
2Gimme Three StepsLynyrd Skynyrd1973
3Gimme Some Lovin'The Spencer Davis Group1966
4Gimme All Your Lovin'ZZ Top1983
5Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)George Harrison1973
6Gimme Gimme Good LovingCrazy Elephant1969
7Give Me the NightGeorge Benson1980
8Gimme Little SignBrenton Wood1966
9Give Me Just a Little More TimeChairmen of The Board1970
10Give Me One ReasonTracy Chapman1996
11Gimme Back My BulletsLynyrd Skynyrd1973
12Gimme Some WaterEddie Money1979
13Gimme Some TruthJohn Lennon1971
14Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)ABBA1979
15Give Me the Simple LifeBing Crosby1945
16Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche)98 Degrees2000
17Gimme Dat DingThe Pipkins1970