music picklists

Repeated Words in Song Titles - Triple Play

These are the top 3 word songs whose titles contain the same word repeated 3 times.

1Say Say SayPaul McCartney and Michael Jackson1983
2Turn! Turn! Turn!The Byrds1965
3Gone, Gone, GoneBad Company1979
4Fun, Fun, FunThe Beach Boys1964
5Tonight, Tonight, TonightGenesis1987
6Long, Long, LongThe Beatles1968
7Hi Hi HiPaul McCartney and Wings1973
8Dance Dance DanceThe Beach Boys1965
9More More MoreAndrea True1976
10Gone, Gone, GoneThe Everly Brothers1964
11Mercy, Mercy, MercyThe Buckinghams1967
12Please, Please, PleaseJames Brown and The Famous Flames1958
13Stop! Stop! Stop!The Hollies1966
14Girls Girls GirlsMötley Crüe1987
15Bye Bye ByeNSYNC2000
16Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)ABBA1979
17Yummy Yummy YummyOhio Express1968
18Hot Hot HotBuster Poindexter1982
19Shame, Shame, ShameShirley & Company1974
20Bobby, Bobby, BobbyJo Ann Campbell1960