music picklists

Songs About Low Self-Esteem

These are the best songs about people feeling sorry about their self-worth.

1Bohemian RhapsodyQueen1975
2I'm a LoserThe Beatles1964
4Yer BluesThe Beatles1968
5Dawn (Go Away)The Four Seasons1964
6Don't Bother MeThe Beatles1963
7Baby Don't GoSonny & Cher1965
8Crying in the RainThe Everly Brothers1962
9You've Got to Hide Your Love AwayThe Beatles1965
10(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as IElvis Presley1959
11Self EsteemThe Offspring1994
12Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police1978
13The BoxerPaul Simon1969
15BustedRay Charles1963
16Poor Poor Pitiful MeLinda Ronstadt1977
17You Know I'm No GoodAmy Winehouse2007
18Have You Seen Her?The Chi-Lites1971
19No RainBlind Melon1992
20Down in the BoondocksBilly Joe Royal1965
21Ain't Got No HomeClarence "Frogman" Henry1956