music picklists

Top Songs By Neil Diamond

These are the most popular songs by the American singer-songwriter Neil Diamond.

1Sweet Caroline16Cherry, Cherry
2I Am…I Said17Shilo
4Cracklin' Rosie19He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
5Forever in Blue Jeans20You Don't Bring Me Flowers
6Love on the Rocks21Red, Red Wine
7Holly Holy22Kentucky Woman
8September Morn23Longfellow Serenade
9Solitary Man24I'm a Believer
10Song Sung Blue25Until It's Time for You to Go
11Hello Again26You Got to Me
12Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon27Heartlight
13Beautiful Noise28Desiree
14Play Me29Thank the Lord for the Night Time
15Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show30Yesterday's Songs