music picklists

Top Songs by The Kinks

These are the most popular songs by the English rock band The Kinks.

1You Really Got Me15Catch Me Now I'm Falling
2All Day and All of the Night16Apeman
3Tired of Waiting for You17(Wish I Could Fly like) Superman
4Set Me Free18Destroyer
5Sunny Afternoon19Dedicated Follower of Fashion
6Till the End of the Day20Dandy
7Celluloid Heroes21Father Christmas
8Lola22Do It Again
9Where Have All the Good Times Gone23Don't Forget to Dance
10A Rock 'n Roll Fantasy24Supersonic Rocket Ship
11Waterloo Sunset25Victoria
12Come Dancing26Dead End Street
13A Well Respected Man27State of Confusion
14Low Budget28I'm Not Like Everybody Else